Thursday, August 25, 2011

Damn you Irene!!!!!

I can't believe this, all the planning and painting. Now, this stupid hurricane is going to keep me from going to the Nova Open.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Some quick pre-Nova pics

Well, I finished my new display base. Nothing too fancy, but it is a step up from my last board.

Above you can see the army arrayed on my new board. Sorry the picture is so dark, I will take better ones once I am at the Nova and post as part of my coverage of that event.

Above are a couple of close ups of my army on the board. Above you can see my new Wolf Priest next to my Wolf Lord, Thorgrimm with his Thunder Hammer, ready to bash some heads. My Wolf Lord is really starting to show his age, and I need to make a new one, but I am out of time. Maybe for the Mechanicon.

Next up you can see my new Wolf Scouts in the picture below.

I really like the conversion work on these guys, simple but quite effective. I feel the paint job was a little rushed, but added the tattooing in an effort to hide some of the short cuts I took on the skin tones. I have high hopes for these guys...

Finally a WIP of my Long Fang pack.

So far so good, hopefully I will get these guys done in a week or two so I can get some Heavy Bolter action on the board with Logan Grimnar.

Well that's it for now. I am charging up my camera, so intend to take lots of pictures at the Nova. Hopefully I will have some good coverage for you guys.

Nova Live Feed


All bloggers, forum posters, etc., please repost this and keep it "alive" all over ... you can tune into the NOVA Open Live Feed starting tomorrow at around 6:00PM, and it'll be "up" for the majority of the Open thereafter, including the Whiskey Challenges on Thursday night, Invitational all day Friday, and the Open on Sat and Sun.

(Originally posted by Mike Brandt of Whiskey and 40k)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What's next?

Too many projects and not enough hours in the day.

I have been hard at work on my Space Wolves, having just finished a new Wolf Scout pack, and my Wolf Priest for the upcoming Nova Open, I am working on a new display board for the army as well.
(I'm going to try and post some pictures tomorrow)

What's next? well in no particular order we have:
1. Dust Tactics, I have to finish my game board and get some terrain done in time for the revised Core game release.
I have my Khorne Berserker army that I started over a year ago, I have about 40 Berserkers assembled and I bought 3 Land Raiders that are still in the shrink wrap. This is a very tempting project, but I may wait until after the 1st of the year to see if we get a new Chaos Marine book for 40k
Grey Knights, I currently have a box of Terminators, a Dreadnought, and a Storm Raven to start this project. The idea I have for this army is to do a small army with little to no conversion work, just try and concentrate on a good paint job.
Then of course there is my Scout army. I have already started this force, which is going to be a 500 point army for those occasional small combat patrol type tournaments, quick pick-up games, and campaign play.
5. And finally, more Space Wolves. I will probably be painting more Wolves right up to the Mechanicon, but I tend to change my mind alot.

As you can see, I have way too much on my table, and this doesn't even include the Deathwing squads I started and haven't painted yet, or the 4 Battalion boxes of IG and tanks to add to my Imperial Guard army.
I think I need an extra set of hands...

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Updated Nova List...

HQ: Wolf Lord Thorgrimm, on a Bike with Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, Runic Armor, and Saga of the Bear (250)

HQ: Wolf Priest on a Bike (135)

Fast Attack: Swift Claws 3+1(attackbike)+1(Wgpl) One Swift Claw has a Power Fist, and one has a Melta-gun, the Attack Bike has a Heavy Bolter, the entire pack has Melta-bombs. The Wolf Guard Pack leader has a bike, Combi-Melta and a Power fist (238)

Fast Attack: Swift Claws 3+1(attackbike)+1(Wgpl) One Swift Claw has a Power Fist, the Attack Bike has a Heavy Bolter, and the entire pack has Melta-bombs. The Wolf Guard Pack Leader has a bike, Frost Blade, and Melta-bombs (228)

Troop: Grey Hunter pack x5+1(Wgpl) with a Plasmagun, the Wolf Guard has a Combi-melta and a Power Weapon, they have a Razorback Transport with Twin-linked Las-cannons (193)

Troop: Grey Hunter pack x10+1(Wgpl) Melta-gun x2, Wolf Standard, Mark of the Wulfen, Power Weapon. Wolf Guard has Terminator Armor, Assault Cannon, Power Fist (268)

Troop: Blood Claws pack x7+1(Wgpl) Flamer, Power Weapon. Wolf Guard has a Power Fist and a Storm Bolter. Mounted in a Rhino Transport. (196)

Elite: Wolf Guard in Terminator armor x4 one with a Combi-Plasma and Power Fist, two with Combi-Plasma and Power Weapon, one with Assault Cannon and Power Fist (197)

Elite: Wolf Scouts x5+1(Wgpl) Melta-gun, 2x with Power Weapon, the entire pack has Melta-bombs. The Wolf Guard has a Combi-melta and a Wolf Claw. (178)

Elite: Dreadnought with Heavy Flamer and Assault Cannon (115)

This list comes in at 1998, of course any and all comments are welcome...

Copied and pasted from my post on the Space Wolf Army list section on the B&C. You can see that Logan Grimnar is out, and with the saved points I got a Scout Pack, a Dread, and a couple of Plasma Pistols for my various packs.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Progress and Setbacks...

Well just last night I posted my new game board for Dust Tactics. Well, after getting the tape on last night and putting the board in the garage all the tape fell off over night! AAARRRGHH!!!

Oh well, my fault I guess, I was saying to my son that I should coat the tape with some PVA in order to seal it to the board, but I was lazy. Lesson learned, guess I know what I'm doing over the weekend...

Back to the 40k front. I am furiously trying to get ready for the Nova Open, and still am messing with lists.

Originally I was going to take Logan Grimnar to lead my army in addition to Wolf Lord Thorgrimm.
I like the idea of Logan leading my Wolf Guard pack, but 275 points is a huge investment for an army that isn't based around him.
So, I think he is out for the Nova.

Apart from some touch up work he is finished however, and some pictures are posted below.

Next up we have my new Wolf Priest. He is definitely in, as he is a beast. Not so much in what he can do on his own, but for what he does for my Wolf Lord and the Swift Claws. A simple conversion here, but I think it is effective none the less.

Finally below, I have the beginning of a new Wolf Scout Pack. My goal is to get these guys done in time for the Nova, a Pack of Scouts to push the enemy forward and into my Bikers can't be a bad thing...

Well, that's about it for now. I am working on an updated list and will post it soon...

Thursday, August 11, 2011

In my quest for something a little different...

After doing quite a bit of research and trying to find a new game to play, I think I settled on a little game called Dust Tactics.
I was looking for something that was easy to get into that my son and his friends would be willing to play, and that we could get in a couple of games in an evening.
Now, any of you in the know, realize that Dust Tactics is a "Tile-set" type game that comes with cardboard tiles that are placed to represent the board, terrain, buildings, ect.
I wanted our games to be a bit more exciting and above you can see the fruits of my labor.
Our game board is a 4'x4' wooden board.
Next up is going to be some terrain that will match the campaign booklet that comes with the starter set.

For those interested in reading more about Dust Tactics and the upcoming Dust Warfare go here

On a 40k note, my Nova list has changed significantly, and I will be posting more information on that tomorrow. Also I have some new models completed, so those who have been waiting patiently will hopefully have something new to look at tomorrow...