What does this mean for me? a brand spanking new Space Wolves army of course!
Now, to do a new Space Wolf army, I need to set myself some ground rules.
1. It needs to have a new theme (I've already done Rhino rush, Drop Pods, and Biker heavy lists)
2. All new models, I have a sizable collection, but all of the models I currently have, I've already used in a tournament of one type or another. I need something new.
3. Conversions all around. This part is a bit tricky as the new Space Wolf models are great and not in need of much converting.
My current thought, is to do a Logan Grimnar army. Not an all Wolf Guard force, but one that does take advantage of his ability to use Wolf Guard as a troops selection. I want variety in the force while trying to have as many boots as I can on the ground. I also want to use lots of Wargear, and kit-out some squads. This is the Great Wolf's Great Company after all, and they should be equipped as such.
Normally I write a list, and then work on building the army. I have tried this approach several times already, but just can't seem to stick with one list that I want to build.
Here is what I consider "must haves" in the list so far:
- Logan Grimnar (Of course) I am going to convert my own model. The current one is great, but I am going to build my own, kit-bashing some plastics. His axe is going to be a double bladed Khorne Chain-axe
- A Long Fangs pack, max-size this group is old friends of the "Old Wolf" maybe even members of his original pack. They are going to all tote Heavy Bolters. This is a Space Wolf standard option with a twist (No missile launcher spam here). My hope is to use The Old Wolf's special abilities of giving Relentless or Tank-hunters to the pack to make the Heavy Bolters not just a good option, but a great one.
- A ten strong Wolf Guard pack all in TDA. This is the "Core" of the army. I normally go with Assault Cannons, so for a twist, I am going to go with 2 Cyclone Missile Launchers.
- A Grey Hunters Pack with all the goodies I can squeeze in
- A Blood Claws Pack
- A Wolf Priest
Here are a couple of teaser pics,
Above you can see the start of my first pack, some Grey Hunters. This will be a pack of 9 led by a Wolf guard. Lots of kit-bashing and green stuff, I'm really trying to push my converting skills on this project.
Above we have the Wolf Guard he is armed with a Thunder Hammer and a Combi-plasma. I know, I know not the wisest of choices, but he just looks so damn bad-ass!
I used one of the Scibor models that I purchased at the Colonial, I purchased 4 different ones, so I have one for each of the packs that I have planned for this army to represent all of my Wolf Guard.
I will have more close up pictures of the other models soon, and I will put up some notes on how I made the models.
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