Saturday, May 21, 2011

Man cannot live on 40k alone, AKA a visit to Mordheim

Well, I must say, that work has been crazy, and with Proms, Concerts, Dance Competitions, and me picking up a second job my hobby time has been extremely limited.
Luckily for me a few friends of mine started a Mordheim Campaign, so I dusted off my old Warband and into the depths of Mordheim I went. The adventures of Captain Kallilor continue!

Above you can see my old Warband, a group of Reiklanders which also doubled for a unit of Huntsmen in my old Empire army. I painted them a long while ago, but boy am I glad I kept them for just such occasions.

You can see above, that I went for numbers with limited equipment to start. I also really wanted to take advantage of the bonus to BS that Marksmen get so all of my Henchman are Marksmen.

Lets take a closer look at the members of Captain Kallilor's "Long Shots"

Center we have the good Captain himself, he is equipped with a Long Bow, Sword, and Dagger, and his hat is reinforced. He does suffer from an Old Battle Wound so occasionally misses a fight, but has a BS 5, and Quick Shot so is deadly with his bow. The feathers in his cap are his Lucky Charm and he never goes to battle without them.
To his left is Cpl Jonas and to his right Sgt. Armstrong who was so badly injured last evening that he has to rest awhile at the Inn and not partake in the Warbands next outing.

Above we have "Armstrong's Strong-arms" With a S4 they are helpful in the inevitable Close Quarters combat of Mordheim, and when forced into close combat they drop their bows and fight with sword and dagger. I have recently added a 3rd henchman to this group (he isn't painted yet, but is pictured below with the new group shot)

Cpl. Jonas' Squad of Marksmen, the "Broken Bows" these deadly marksmen hold my line with a BS of 5 they account for more kills than anyone else in the Warband.

The Young Bloods, "Fred and Charlie" (named after the two fighters from Fineous Fingers for you old Dragon Magazine readers) With Quickshot and more guts than brains these two are good for 2 things...1. getting themselves taken out of action and 2. wasting a lot of arrows.

My Warband has been doing me proud, and I have quickly swelled my ranks. Instead of upgrading Wargear, I have been adding as many new warriors as I can afford.

Above is a shot of my Warband as it currently stands. You can see that I have added a Wizard who has, you guessed it, "The Silver Arrows of Arha"
I managed to add one warrior to one of my Henchman Groups, Hired an Engineer with a Hochland Longrifle (a special character for this particular campaign) I bought a pair of Wardogs for some close combat support (who have taken a liking to Ogre meat) and of course my Freelance Knight "Sir Godfrie the Cowardly" who stood frozen and failed to charge the Ogre Warband on at least 3 occasions (failing his fear check every time)

Below I have one last shot, a picture of the guy who started it all many, many years ago back when Mordheim was just a series of White Dwarf articles I present the original Captain Kallilor

Well that's about it for now, I am hard at work painting my first Grey Hunters pack for my 2011 Space Wolf project and I promise I will have some updates on that project soon...

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Slow Progress, but something is getting done...

Well finally another model done. Work has been absolutely crazy lately, and I haven't had much hobby time at all. Above you can see the latest Grey Hunter. As you can tell, I haven't changed my paint style much from my normal recipe for Space Wolves, this is because while I am doing a whole new Space Wolf army, the idea was to try to add to my collection and truly make my army suitable for Apocalypse games.

Here we have a rear view. I haven't decided if I want to put markings on the cloak or not yet.

Here we have a Close up shot of our new Grey Hunter.

Above a side view, this shows where I did a lot of the green stuff work, on the shoulder pad, and the entire right arm to the elbow.

Finally a picture of the three new finished models together. I know I've posted the other two before, but I wanted to give a group shot so you can start to get an idea for how this new army is going to look.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Space Wolves, working on the new list...

I just can't seem to make up my mind on exactly where to go with this list, so I thought I would post up my thoughts so far and look for some input.

Here are the must haves:
  • Logan Grimnar (of course)
  • Wolf Priest (to lead the Blood Claws)
  • 10x Wolfguard 8x TDA, 2x Cyclone missile launchers and 2x Power fists. The power armored WG have a Combi-PG / Thunder hammer and Combi-MG / Power fist
  • 9x Grey Hunters with a Plasma gun, Plasma pistol, Power weapon, Standard, Mark of the Wulfen. With a Rhino Transport
  • 8x Blood Claws with a Flamer and Power weapon (Plasma pistol? Rhino Transport?)
  • 6x Long Fangs with 5x Heavy Bolters, the Pack Leader has a Power Fist
That's the core of the list, and it is from here that I am stuck. Where do I go from here? I have plenty of points left (about 500 in fact).

A couple of things I am definitely staying away from is spam of any sort (I don't mind duplicating a unit, as long as its wargear is markedly different). I like the idea of taking Logan Grimnar and a wide variety of choices to represent a small fraction of his Great Co.

I could go with a Land Raider Crusader, and bulk out the Blood Claws, or take some TWC, or a Dreadnought.

So I'm all ears, give me your opinion