All that's left to do is get my Space Wolves ready for battle.
My 2011 project won't be completed in time, so I am going to take a list that doesn't need a whole lot of painting on my part.
The list below only has me painting 3 new models in order for it to be battle ready.
2000 Points Space Wolves:
HQ: Logan Grimnar (275)
HQ: Rune Priest with Chooser (110) Living Lightning and Murderous Hurricane
HQ: Wolf Lord Thorgrimm on a bike with a Thunder Hammer, Runic Armor, Storm Shield and Saga of the Bear (250)
Troop: Grey Hunters x10 with 2x Meltaguns, Power Weapon, Wolf Standard, Mark of the Wulfen (195)
Led by a Wolf Guard in Terminator armor with a Powerfist and Assault Cannon (73)
Troop: Grey Hunters x5 one has a Power Weapon, they are mounted in a Razorback with twin-linked Las Cannons (165)
Led by a Wolf Guard with a Power Weapon and a Combi-Melta (33)
Troop: Blood Claws x7 one has a Flamer, and one has a Power Weapon, they are mounted in a Rhino Transport (155)
Led by a Wolf Guard with a Storm Bolter and a Power Fist (41)
Troop: 5x Wolf Guard in Terminator Armor 1. Combi-Plasma and Power Weapon. 2. Combi-Plasma and Power Weapon. 3. Combi-Plasma and Power Fist. 4. Combi-Plasma and Wolf Claw. and 5. Assault Cannon and Power Fist (240)
Fast Attack: Swift Claws x3+1 attack bike, one has a Power Fist, one has a Melta-gun, the Attack Bike is equipped with a Heavy Bolter, and the entire pack has Melta-bombs. (160)
Led by a Pack leader on a bike with a Power Fist and a Combi-Melta (78)
Fast Attack: Swift Claws x3+1 attack bike, one has a Power Fist, the Attack Bike is equipped with a Heavy Bolter and the entire pack has Melta-bombs. (150)
Led by a Pack leader on a bike with a Power Fist (73)
As written this list comes in at 1998.